Your presentation gave everyone a sense of hope, that anyone can be financially responsible and financially stress-free. That kind of advice is priceless.
— Linda Brown, Tampa, Florida

UPCOMING EVENT: Middle Retirement, Financial Coaches Presents: Christmas With The Clemons

The Clemons’ family invite you to share their favourite time of the year. Christmas with the Clemons features Christmas stories, sprinkled in between musical and artistic performances. This variety show is guaranteed to get you and your family in the Christmas spirit! All Ticket proceeds will support patient care at Georgian Bay General Hospital.

Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2019

Time: Doors open at 6:30pm, event beings at 7:00pm

Location: Midland Cultural Centre

Cost: $100/person (includes fees and taxes)

Ticketing information:

Contact us to speak with a coach about hosting your event today:

Past Events

“I was fortunate enough to hear a presentation on investing and finances by Steve Renault, during a recent Stetson Law Lecture. He took the very complex world of finances and investing to an understandable and enjoyable level. I do not believe there is another educator out there that has his experience. His down to earth, funny and frank presentation gave us hope that we too could have security about our future. I would highly recommend him as a speaker to any group, conference or corporate event.”
— Stephanie Pletcher, St. Petersburg, Florida

Speaking Opportunities

Understanding Your Investments:

Middle Retirement is dedicated to helping people understand their investments, when to avoid market risk and how to reduce investment fees.  As educators, they are passionate about sharing wisdom gained from 30 years in the stock market. In simple language, they help you and your group take control to maximize investments, protect against risk and insure a solid financial future.

Financial Relationships:

Research shows that couples who talk about their finances have stronger, happier relationships, yet the majority avoid talking about money.  Sharing years of investment knowledge, our coaches empower couples to understand their investments and review potential risks.  Showing them how to establish a clear path for a healthy retirement together. 

Business Owners: 

Reducing fees and avoiding risk means a strong bottom line.  Speaking to business owners about innovative tax strategies, we share 30 plus years of investment and market knowledge to empower leaders to ensure financial health.


Middle Retirement tailors topics and discussion complexity to the audience's investment experience

Conference, Business and Group Speaking

  • Making a Plan for Retirement

  • Understanding how the Stock Market works

  • How to Read Financial Charts

  • How to understand investment risk

  • How to reduce investment fees

  • How to be your own Portfolio Manager

  • Why being a contrarian in the market works