Coaching & Consulting

Having a Financial Coach, means having someone you can count on to help teach you and your significant other about your investments and understand what you own. We are here to help you take control of your finances, by eliminating industry conflict of interest you will reduce your fees and avoid unnecessary risk. 

Our coaching services include one on one executive and business coaching. Coaching programs can be customized to best suit the needs of any group, from corporations to professional organizations. Every program is based on the core elements of Middle Retirement principles designed to help you understand your investments, portfolio and how your money is working for you.


If you wanted to improve your business, you would hire a consultant. If you wanted to improve your marriage, you would hire a counsellor. If you wanted to improve your money, you would hire a Financial Coach. 

Working one-on-one with a Financial Coach will help you identify the problems in your portfolio.


We are your personal finance experts, and will help coach you through debt, credit, saving, retirement, budgeting, getting money out of your corporation tax effectively.

  • We will get to know you and your finances

  • We will work with you one on one to understand your financial portfolio

  • We will explain how money really works and bust the myths about the market

  • We will be your mentor and coach you through the tough times and help you reach high ground

  • We will give you the tools that it takes to keep your investments in your hands, not your advisors

  • We will inform you about options on retirement strategies, estate and succession planning

  • We will show you how you can reduce fees, thus maximizing your returns


(Everyone Is Unique)

Everyone’s financial situation is different. You maybe the CEO of a large Financial Institution in Toronto or a Doctor in a small town, but everyone needs a coach.  We all need someone to help see the big picture and make it a reality not just for you but for your family.

Business Consulting: Middle Retirement works directly with its clients on start-up structure, business growth, tax effective corporate investments and exit strategies to ensure future success for you and your company. Wherever you are on your business journey and regardless of your business size, we can help you plan, grow and reach your optimum.

  • Business Financial Planning

  • Tax Effective Corporate Investments

  • Exit Strategies

  • Funding/Expansion

  • Successful Succession

  • Corporate Insurance

Group Coaching: Middle Retirement energizes your group to understand their investments and take control. We cut through industry terminology to provide simple, easy to understand language and empower clients.

  • How the markets work

  • Seminars

  • Youth Financial Education

  • Corporate Events

Employee Financial Education: Employers in Canada lose billions in health care costs and absenteeism. With financial stress the root problem, Middle Retirement’s Employee Financial Education Plan creates positive branding and a more positive and productive workplace for employees, so companies can improve productivity and the bottom line

  • Money Coaching

  • Budgeting

  • Financial Stress Management

  • Individual and Group Coaching


By calling us Today, you will start to gain confidence and knowledge about your finances. You will learn how to reduce investment fees and understand how to evaluate financial risk. Today we will show you how to take control and have financial peace of mind.