Our mission

enable anyone, regardless of their financial status, to see their Life and finances differently. We want you to Reimagine your life and take control.

Our Approach

The concept of Middle Retirement is having Financial Freedom to do what you want in your life. We help you move to an unconventional way of thinking when it comes to life and your money. We encourage and empower you to take control at every step in life’s journey so you have peace of mind, understanding and the ability to live your dreams today.


How we are different

The financial industry wants to be in control. The coaches at Middle Retirement want you in the driver’s seat. We are invested in Financial Literacy and are working hard to promote education and empowerment. Our Coaches have extensive knowledge and experience in the financial industry, between owning a brokerage firm to over 20 years in the stock market.

As Coaches, rather than advisors, we are here to empower you and provide unbiased information on all investment products and options. We see the pit falls, know how to navigate them and can coach you to the higher side. 

We help you see your goals.

Middle Retirement covers a broad range of topics, ways of maximizing returns through corporate strategies by using Personal Pension Plans, Corporate Asset Transfers using Insurance, and much more. Every program is based on the core elements of coaching principles designed to empower you in life, both personally, professionally and financially by teaching you to understand what you own, reduce your fees and avoid your investment risk.


Why we can help

  • Over 20 Years Experience In The Stock Market

  • Over 15 Years Retired

  • Small Business Owner and Consultant

  • Understand The Needs Of Investments For Retirement

  • Travelled The World

  • We Have Redefined Ourselves

  • Contrarians In The Industry

  • Spiritual Understanding Of What Is Important In Life

  • Empower You To Understand Your Finances